Open letter to Ms. Liz Cheney


I had been afraid to write you until yesterday when two very important things happened to me: 1) a cyst on my kidney turned out to be benign, and 2) I heard Biden’s announcement that an additional one billion dollars of high explosive tank shells plus a second billion dollars of normal Palestinian children killing bombs were being delivered to Israel!

I’m 80 years old, so I’m going to call you Liz, OK? You are the only voice in the wilderness who can possibly beat these two genocidal maniacs now commanding all the presidential attention. Your initial concern that anything you might do would have helped Trump is now moot, for at the moment, he is ahead of Biden and more and more of us Democrats simply cannot vote in favor of aiding and abetting genocide.

I know in my heart that most Americans want to maintain our democracy and our national love for all mankind’s well-being!

Liz you are the only hope, but an ideal one. I can hear your fervor to join the fray and you know that you are out only hope, so for the sake of the future of America and the world, I challenge you to do what you’re dying to do, and I offer my services.

Ron Horton