Open letter to Gov. Hutchinson


I respectfully urge you to direct the Big Creek Research and Extension Team to drill to confirm whether hog waste is leaking into groundwater. Lead hydrogeologist of the electrical resistivity study for the 6500 hog facility’s holding ponds believed he saw major fracture/movement of waste and was fairly confident of his interpretation. In this karst environment, private wells, springs, creeks and the Buffalo River are at risk from possible contamination due to leakage.

The Big Creek Research and Extension Team has stated: “The work of our team is science-based and can withstand scrutiny. While we do have a close relationship with the agricultural community, we also have a history of providing research and educational programs aimed at protecting the environment. Our core values are to collect the best data and provide the best interpretation possible. In this study, we want to find answers that ensure the Buffalo River Watershed and other watersheds are protected.”

The answer in this situation is best found by ground-truthing/drilling, not speculation. The public, the facility’s owners and the nearby community deserve the truth, no matter the cost.

Dane Schumacher