Not so fast



Your April 14 edition recounted a high-speed police chase down Rockhouse Road. An ESPD officer patrolling Hwy. 62E attempted to pull over a driver he knew had a suspended license and multiple warrants. The suspect fled, turning onto Rockhouse with office in pursuit – speeds reached over 80 mph with suspect using entire road for turns on blind corners. 

We drive this road every day and know it has few shoulders and steep dangerous drop offs. Two vehicles were run off the road and in the end the police car was totaled before the suspect was apprehended.

My question and concern for the ESPD – was this the best way to handle the situation? It seems extraordinary that neither innocent drivers nor police were hurt or killed. Since the suspect was known and evidently a violent crime had not been committed, why endanger everyone? Wouldn’t it have been far safer to let him get away and apprehend him later under safer conditions? Not to mention the cost to taxpayers of a new police car? I do value the work of the police in our community for sure, but really seriously question the wisdom this action.

Dave Spencer


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