No wind farm talk at quorum court


The quorum court met May 21, with nothing on the agenda concerning proposed wind turbine south of Green Forest, an issue that has dominated quorum court meetings for more than a year. Justice of the Peace Harrie Farrow had announced her intention to bring an ordinance back to the table which was narrowly defeated at the April 16 meeting. Several JPs were absent from the April meeting, and Farrow’s ordinance fell short of the six votes required for passage. That ordinance did not appear on the agenda for this meeting.

With nothing on the agenda related to the wind farm, the public attendance for this meeting dropped off sharply from the standing-room crowds which have filled the Eastern District courtroom for the past year. Despite a light agenda, County Judge David Writer announced his decision to curtail the public comments for the evening, except for comments related to items on this agenda.

No one spoke on agenda items, but two people in the crowd expressed some indignation. Caroline Rogers, who has spoken frequently in opposition to the wind turbine project, walked up to the table after the meeting adjourned and explained to JPs that the Federal Aviation Administration is accepting comments until June 5 on possible effects of wind turbines on local air travel.

Robert Anderson, owner of R&R Towing in Green Forest, had hoped to air his ongoing complaint about being dropped from the sheriff’s rotating list of tow companies to call in case of accident or impoundment.

Eastern District Courtroom

A committee of JPs has pursued the possibility of building a new facility to replace the courtroom in Berryville. Other county offices would remain in place, but JPs hope to place a new building near the Detention Center. The committee had planned a final design meeting later in the week, and a bid package should be ready by the end of the month. Bids will come back after a month, giving the committee their first opportunity to fully test the feasibility of the courtroom project. JPs approved $75,000 to cover the cost of preparing initial drawings and creating a bid package.

In other business:

  • A resolution confirmed appointment of Cynthia Olsen as a commissioner to the Lake Forest Subordinate Service District.
  • A resolution confirmed appointments of Charlie Charlton and Nancy Rogers to the Grassy Knob Volunteer Fire Association District Commission.
  • A resolution confirmed the re-appointment of Dave Teigen to the Carroll County Airport Commission. JP John Howerton described Teigen as “a real asset for the county on this commission.”
  • An ordinance approved the receipt of two grants, totaling $16,000, for Juvenile Probation programs.
  • An ordinance allocated $16,000 in grant funds to the Adult Drug Court Fund.
  • JPs allocated $15,000 to replace an air-handling unit at the Detention Center, and another $28,000 to replace a sewage grinder.
  • During JP comments, JP Jack Deaton said an upcoming meeting of the Budget Committee will deal with funding for the Office of Emergency Management and other areas.