No tolerance of 45



The White House spokesperson, Sean Spicer, is speaking for “No. 45” since the president doesn’t seem to be able to explain his tweets to the nation. The WH spokesperson is afraid “No. 45” will break the libel law. How in the world does a person think a former president orders the CIA or the FBI to bug a person’s home or office! The WH speaker may lose his job, also, TOO BAD.

“No 45” is probably the most paranoid hypocrite I have ever read in the press, other than Richard M. Nixon, I am completely embarrassed by the way he expresses himself. He blames one of our most brilliant presidents to explain his own silly notions/ideas on the Internet. The world thinks he has lost his mind. He has become the laughing stock of our nation. He is the best comic fodder on television and in night clubs since “W.” In fact Bush sounds actually somewhat bright nowadays.

This nation cannot tolerate another four years of “No. 45” He will not be satisfied until he starts another World War. This time it will be with Korea, again, and will be nuclear. “No. 45” can hardly wait to press the RED BUTTON!

Enid B. Swartz