No to gun parades


I find Mr. Grubb’s latest idea confusing, that after his second request to open a gun store and having it turned down, he is finding support to convince the town to allow the store. That support is an organization called Gun Owners of Arkansas. To quote a representative of the organization…  “In light of this decision, we intend to organize open carry walks featuring long guns strategically scheduled to coincide with Eureka Springs busiest periods.  These events will recur periodically until the Courts intervene on Grubbs behalf or the City of Eureka Springs reconsiders its stance and acknowledges the legitimacy of a firearm store.”

These are the kind of threats that solidify the belief that this is not a store we would enjoy having in Eureka Springs. Surely this is not a method he believes will stimulate favor on his behalf?! This all sounds pretty crazy to me!

By the way, why would someone want to open a gun store in a town that obviously does not want it when he is 12 miles from a town that is a high-end gun Mecca with some of the state’s finest gun craftsmen? Like I said, seems crazy to me! I hope the council stands firm and finds a way to keep gun parades from happening.

LeRoy Gorrell