No money for fossil fuels


No fracking, methane emissions, cracking, or plastic pollution

On April 22, a tweet from our #FakePresident revealed the reason he wants control of the $3 trillion stimulus fund. “We will never let the great U.S. oil andgGas Industry down. I have instructed the Secretary of Energy and Secretary of the Treasury to formulate a plan which will make funds available so that these very important companies and jobs will be secured long into the future!”

The overproduction of oil and gas by U.S. companies is one of the main reasons for the collapse of the market. On December 6, 2019, two months prior to the pandemic, Joseph Gatdula, head of oil and gas at Fitch Solutions, discussed lower prices for 2020 due to the oversupply of crude in the market. The “great” U.S. fossil fuel industry was full of debt and out of storage. There is no reason to bail out a failed industry.

What makes oil and gas companies “great?”

President Richard Nixon was the first to promise Energy Independence in the context of the 1973 OPEC oil embargo. “Gusher of Lies” by Robert Bryce, 2008, explains “the dangerous delusions of Energy Independence.” Bryce says U.S. oil companies had stockpiled large volumes of crude oil. U.S. refineries took advantage of the chaos to lower the supply of gasoline and raise the price. Long lines at gas stations created fear and uncertainty. Oil prices quadrupled during the 6-month embargo and remained at higher levels thereafter. The oil scam went unnoticed – only the memories of long gasoline lines linger.

Oil is produced at a lower cost by countries with liquid oil deposits. They are happy to sell at competitive prices.

The U.S. imports 100 percent of many other critical minerals like quartz crystals, rare earth elements, and thorium. Why not oil?

The U.S. fossil fuel industry producing tight-oil and shale gas has cracks miles deep, a pollution machine using taxpayers’ money without profits. Case in point: the Fayetteville Shale with over 2.5 million acres of land was sold at an auction leaving behind orphan wells emitting methane around the clock.

When Saudi Arabia flooded the oil market betraying the “close relationship” with the White House, the price per barrel dropped like a rock, with greedy investors running like rats. So much for the roaring economy!

Cracking in China

Natural gas is not only a fuel. Oil refineries use natural gas to crack a variety of petroleum products, including ethane. U.S. petrochemical plants use ethane as feedstock to make plastic pellets, used to make a wide variety of plastic products.

ExxonMobil has worldwide operations – it is hardly an “important American company.” It has a refinery in Singapore and is building a plastics’ plant in China, owned and operated fully by Exxon. It’s Chairman and CEO, Darren Woods, said the project reflects China’s growing commitment to foreign direct investment. The 1.6 million tonne-per-year ethylene cracker is an investment of $10 billion U.S. “All of this creates an environment that enables ExxonMobil to continue our strategic long-term investments,” Woods said. China will benefit.

Plastic pollution

The main reason to stop burning fossil fuels and wood pellets is to stop carbon emissions to avoid a much larger climate crisis.

One truckload per minute of plastic is dumped in the ocean, a planetary crisis. Unless we stop using single-use plastics there will soon be more plastic in the oceans than fish! Many places are no longer safe to fish. Microplastic and plastic pellets are killing fish.

A film released last week, The Story of Plastic, to celebrate Earth Day, shows the devastation from plastic pollution. Most “recycled” plastic ends up in our rivers and oceans, it moves from landfills to Asia and incinerators with toxic emissions. Only 2 percent is used again. Please visit where you will find effective resources to stop destroying the oceans and the environment.

Please join the Environmental Action petition asking McDonald’s to join Burger King and phase out plastic toys,

We need an honest and smart leader to get out of the crisis, not a #FakePresident.

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. Plastic trashing the planet – elementary schools near refineries

    Why are seeing so much more plastics entering the environment?

    Plastic is a problem created by Oil and Gas to increase the demand for natural gas – what used to be a fuel industry is now a Petrochemical industry out of control

    Plastics are ignored, a product that miraculously appears from nowhere and seems to goes to nowhere.

    China for years was the world’s landfield. Chinese National Sword is the country’s latest and strictest regulation on imports of solid wastes as raw materials.

    The Sword policy bans plastic, paper and solid waste, including plastics such as PET, PE, PVC and PS.

    Now, plastics end up as mountains of trash dumped in Vietnam and other countries of Asia

    This is the story of plastic pollution: It all starts when oil and gas leave the wellhead … and keeps on being a problem at every step along the way – ending in our food supply. Houston, we have a planetary problem –there’s no better place to be see it thanHouston.

  2. Massive methane emissions found

    Satellite images reveal huge amounts of methane from U.S. oil fields

    April 25 – Oil and gas operations in the Permian Basin, the largest oil-producing area in the United States, are spewing more than twice the amount of methane emissions into the atmosphere than previously though.

    Enough wasted energy to power 7 million households in Texas for a year.

    That’s the result of a new study by researchers at Harvard University, and the Environmental Defense Fund.

  3. Deadly plastic pollution killing oceans and people

    Low natural gas prices have increased domestic plastic production.

    Plastic manufacturers use natural gas as their primary fuel source and natural gas-sourced liquids as a feedstock.

    Continued low prices for natural gas are boosting raw plastic exports.

  4. Bailing out China

    New ExxonMobil $10 Billion petrochemical in Xinhua, China

    SINGAPORE – April 3 — ExxonMobil Corp kicked off construction on Wednesday of its $10 billion petrochemical complex in south Chinese city Huizhou, state news agency Xinhua reported.

    The complex, which consists of a 1.6 million tonnes per year ethylene facility, is one of the few mega petrochemical projects in China wholly owned by a foreign investor.

  5. Invest in clean energy – Stimulus money will be wasted on fossil fuels

    April 22 – The dominant narrative is still that fossil fuels are a pillar of the US economy, with giant companies like ExxonMobil producing revenue and jobs that the US can’t afford to do without.

    Even among those eager to address climate change by moving past fossil fuels to clean energy there is a lingering mythology that US fossil fuels are too big to fail.

    The fossil fuel industry is facing substantial structural challenges. For years, the industry has been shedding value, taking on debt, losing favor among financial institutions and investors, and turning more and more to lobbying governments to survive.

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