NO, Diamond, NO


“The deadliest snake may be overcome by a swarm of spiders” – Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander-in-Chief, World War II, Japanese Combined Fleet

By Dr. Luis Contreras –

“I am closing the portion of the Corps-managed federal property north of the Cannonball River to all public use and access effective December 5, 2016. This decision is necessary to protect the general public from the violent confrontations between protestors and law enforcement officials that have occurred in this area, and to prevent death, illness, or serious injury to inhabitants of encampments due to the harsh North Dakota winter conditions. Anyone found to be on land north of the Cannonball River after that date will be considered trespassing and subject to prosecution.” – Colonel John W. Henderson, Commander, USACE Omaha District.

“Our Tribe is deeply disappointed in this decision by the United States, but our resolve to protect our water is stronger than ever.” – Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Chairman, Dave Archambault II.

The surprising decision to evict the Tribes, after 500 years of broken treaties, raises many questions: Who is running the U.S.? Is USACE siding with the frackers? Are we in for another Wounded Knee massacre?


There is no room for negotiation when NO is the answer. Energy Transfer Partners, has a January 1, 2017 deadline for the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Frackers shipping shale crude, signed agreements at $8 per barrel. At $46 per barrel, ETP would be lucky to get $4 per barrel, running a 1,700-mile Rat Racetrack.

Mni Wiconi

Water is Life has a deep meaning. No water, no crops, no food, no life. Imagine living without access to fresh water. This is already a reality for many countries, and people living near Norman, Oklahoma. A good friend recently went to a funeral. Her brother-in-law, 40 years-old, after four years of living near Norman, died from tap water! Here is someone, previously in perfect health dead from Chromium-6 contaminated tap water. Locals know not to drink tap water but no one is speaking up. The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality says water is safe.

A November 2016 Canadian long-term study proved fracking causes earthquakes. Connecting fracking, earthquakes, highly toxic wastewater injected in the ground, aquifers, water wells, Chromium-6, and tap water may seem like a stretch. But if you go to Norman, don’t drink the water!

We say NO

What are the people of Arkansas waiting for? If we had someone in charge, a powerful charismatic leader like Chairman Archambault, someone we could trust without reservation, Arkansans would say NO to Diamond, with a single, strong voice. We don’t have leaders who care for Arkansas or people we trust with our lives. However, we have a wide range of smart groups of people caring for their kids and grandkids, opposed to fracking, fossil fuels, and high-risk investments from corrupt corporations. We say NO.

Swarming Plaintiffs

Diamond made a bet, no one in Arkansas will take us to court, we can do whatever we want. Diamond is wrong. Legal crowd funding and other creative solutions give people collective power to take on Plains All-America by sharing the cost of legal fees, expert witnesses and whatever it takes to kill the black snake. With the help of the best attorney in Arkansas, the two permits given to Diamond, expedited and full of holes, Diamond, like DAPL, will be stopped. Landowners stand to rip up their easement agreements and have Diamond pay for clearcutting without drainage and trespassing private property.

Inspired by Chairman Archambault and the brave brothers and sisters leading the way, Diamond hereby is on notice: Arkansas is not flyover country for shale oil exports.

What can you do?

Swarms follow simple rules without central control. With 10,000 to 20,000 people making $10 contributions, we will fund a dream legal team. We will show up like a swarm at the Arkansas Supreme Court of Appeals. We need to contact friends and family. Join the swarm, kill the black snake. Please comment online and on the Facebook page Stop the Diamond Pipeline. Swarm rules. Details next week.


  1. To kill the snake, we need community participation and feedback. I will be looking for your comments. The alternative is to let Diamond do whatever they want and pay later with our health, flash floods, soil erosion, water contamination and no crops.

    I look forward to have our caused heard by the Arkansas Supreme Court of appeals and kill the black snake.

    Thank you, Luis

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