New programs considered by CAPC


At the City Advertising and Promotion Commission’s Jan. 12 workshop, Tourism Director Madison Dawson covered two ideas in the works for the CAPC to help organizations host their events in Eureka Springs.

The first is a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to help local businesses connect with event hosts and organizers. Dawson used the example of a bride or wedding planner in explaining the process. The organizer would fill out a form of all they would need for their event; hotel rooms, catering and venue needs. The CAPC would then send out the form to relevant businesses to provide bids back to the CAPC, and the CAPC would then send the list of bids, as well as contact information, to the organizer.

Dawson explained that the goal was to streamline the process for those organizing events in Eureka Springs. Commissioners expressed the need that as many businesses as possible be included in the RFP processes and Dawson said the CAPC had received a list of business licenses to make sure every restaurant, catering, and lodging service would be included.

Dawson also gave the preliminary diagram of a grant program for events in Eureka Springs that would operate like the Marketing Support the CAPC offers.

Currently, Marketing Support covers only advertising and promotion assistance, but the new grant program would give the CAPC the ability to pay for lodging, catering, and/or event rental space for events in town. Dawson said she had a similar program in her work in Muskogee, Okla., where she would research annual events and conferences in larger cities and incentivize them to go to Muskogee by offering financial help in catering or in paying for the hotel rooms. The process of approval would be the same as Marketing Support with the request going to the commission for approval.

Commissioners Carol Wright and Nick Roberts both said a program would be a way for them to grab bigger business. “Strike while the iron is hot.” Roberts said in regard to the trend of organizers wanting to move away from bigger cities. Chair Jeff Carter described both programs as a “carrot” to bring new promoters and programs to Eureka Springs.

 Commissioner James DeVito suggested that Dawson speak with the Municipal League to vet if the CAPC could legally have such a program and Dawson said she would before moving forward.