Need some space



My grandmother rented a falling-down Southern mansion in Jackson, Mississippi, so she could create a boardinghouse for workers – “All you can eat for a quarter” – fresh vegetables, one meat, sweet tea and dessert. The boardinghouse was uphill from the railroad tracks and hobos made their way up the backstairs to her kitchen. She never refused anyone good food. She treated her “colored” cooks with respect and kindness and good food.

She believed that eating good, fresh and wholesome food helped make good people.

I am now in my 80s and am a retired public television producer. Along the way, I have tried to follow in her clunky black Sears lace-up shoes. I liked doing good, feeding people, especially poor people who do not have access to garden fresh organic vegetables.

Eureka has the Flint St. Pantry and the Cup of Love, both that do a great job of feeding people. But, we do not have a large, community garden open to everyone that grows organic vegetables and gives them out, free of charge.

I am asking some good-hearted person in our town to donate a flat, sunny plot to create a community garden. I will be responsible for building the raised beds, getting good dirt, and finding heirloom seeds to provide love and free vegetables for everyone.

In this day of junk food, fast food, grease, sugar and salt, this Grandmother’s Garden could be a healthy teaching tool.

Will someone please donate a good, sunny garden spot? Thank you, pilgrim on this Earth. Thank you.

Trella Laughlin

P.O. Box 45

Eureka Springs, AR 72632