Need for sustained pressure



The deflections and distractions from the Trump administration are coming at such a fast and furious pace, it is hard to keep up with them all. Beneath the distraction of war is the Russian collusion/treason of the president, which deflects from Trump’s constant lies.

This in turn distracts from the GOP’s legislative work to impoverish and destroy the middle and lower classes which in turn deflects from the theft of public and individual money which in turn distracts from the efforts of this administration to finally destroy our planet. The problems are so immense that it overwhelms me.

What can we each do? This is the question I ask myself. Do things like not using straws, separating trash, signing petitions, giving to charities or calling our representatives make a difference? It’s hard to say in the face of rising sea levels, air pollution, the (still) leaking radioactive waste into the ocean, coal slurries that destroy rivers and valleys, the wanton slaughter of wildlife coupled with the new laws, military actions and executive orders that will hasten the end of life as we know it.

The Women’s March showed the concern we have but without sustained pressure, nothing changes. But who can protest for weeks on end? We are all so tied to our own lives that any time away is fraught with the fraying of the seams. But we must do something if we want a future for ourselves and our children.

Good Luck to Us All.

Sheri Hanson