Need a president not a ‘ruler’



For those of you who are not scared s…… of his budding Fascism, you are not paying attention to His agenda, His appointees, his “alt-right” (white supremacist) advisors, and his egomaniacal behavior.

Angela Y. Davis wrote, “Repression is the response of an increasingly desperate imperialist ruling clique to contain an otherwise uncontrollable and growing popular disaffection leading ultimately to the revolutionary transformation of society.”

Yes, we the people are disaffected and disgusted with government for only the rich; however, those naive people who voted for him indulged in mass hallucinations that he would bring good changes for working people. They voted against their own interests!

He is a Fascist and although we who resist are not yet rounded up, remember: If They Come for Me In the Morning…. about Sister Angela Y. Davis, a Birmingham native and revolutionary scholar. She was arrested (1971) with trumped up charges. Public organizing made sure the system could not kill her. She was set free and continues the struggle today.

We must RESIST!

T.A. Laughlin