More guns not a solution



More school shootings, more endless debates. I try to be optimistic about the possibility of a viable, workable solution to end the rash of school shootings across America, but I’m afraid I can’t. Here’s why. In order to make this truly happen the following things would have to occur:

  1. Dissolve the National Rifle Association.
  2. Confiscate all automatic and semi-automatic weapons from stores and in private possession.
  3. Do away with gun shows.
  4. Stop bullying in all public educational institutions.
  5. Provide per capita armed guards at all educational institutions.
  6. Raise the age limit for purchasing of any bullet-firing weapon to 105.
  7. Re-write the 2nd amendment to cover the outmoded “right to bear arms” clause.
  8. Fortify all schools to make them less penetrable.

Realistically, none of the above will likely ever happen.

Raising the automatic and semi-automatic gun buying age to 21 is nothing but a palliative, a Band-Aid approach at best.  I’m sure there are plenty of people 21 or older who would gladly purchase a weapon for someone underage for the right price. Short of that, this doesn’t take into account all the available rifles, shotguns, and handguns already out there which would then become the weapons of choice.

If we begin to arm teachers and faculty they will likely become first victims of a shooting. What then, arm the students? Without implementation of any or all of the above items this is going to continue to happen, current student protestations not withstanding. Who’s next and when?

Bill Westerman, aka “Mr. Bill”’