Money matters and so do titles


The 2019 budget with the addition of $50,000 of expenditures from the capital improvement fund for Auditorium basement renovations was adopted at Monday’s city council meeting.. Alderman bob Thomas urged council to consider in favor of this fund allocation as it had been discussed frequently in the past but no action had been taken.

“People have been telling me ‘This is not going to happen, this is not going to happen,’” he said. “But I don’t know why it can’t happen.” The future renovation is intended to provide council and commissions with a wheelchair accessible meeting place.

Mayor Butch Berry said the city is applying for a $150,000 grant from the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, and during this discussion Berry expressed disapproval for being addressed as Mr. Chairman by alderman Thomas. In fact, Berry reprimanded Thomas saying, “I think you are talking about Mr. Mayor,” to which Thomas replied, “I am speaking to the chairman of the council in accordance to Robert’s Rules of Order.” Berry snapped back, “I am still the mayor, also.”

Later in the meeting during council comments Thomas made an assertion about the importance of a chairman to remain impartial. “I call you Mr. Chairman because I want you to be impartial.” Thomas recognized that Berry is the mayor and has an administrative role, “but as chairperson you have a responsibility to remain impartial.” Berry said he would not comment on this in public, that it was a private matter.

Onward to Ord. 2274, which was amended and accepted, but opposed by Thomas. The ordinance deals with city council being able to place either a lien against the real property or a tax lien when collecting expenditures for cleanup and repair of properties in violation of City Code. Discussion ensued on what the difference is between a lien vs. a tax lien, with Thomas saying he’s uncomfortable with the council choosing to place a tax lien or a lien.

Berry said that as long he is mayor, the city would choose a tax lien as he believes it allows for a higher rate of collection. Thomas said that is council’s decision.

Alderman Harry Meyer addressed council about questions in the community about this ordinance. He said that if the inhabitant’s home is in such disrepair that it’s unsafe, “certainly the citizens can start a go-fund-me account for someone who needs assistance that bad and can’t afford to meet the requirements.” Meyer said he believes this is a good ordinance.