Misogyny is so yesterday



Last week your intrepid reporter Becky Gillette asked local women why they were for Hillary. I would like to add another 2 cents. While it is obvious that Hillary Clinton is, like all of us, an imperfect human being and has made some mistakes, it is also very obvious that the 52% of white men (by poll) who hate her do so simply because of their happy misogyny.

Look at what Trump’s followers call her: “pussy,” “bitch,” “dyke,” “fat thighs,” “linked to Lucifer,” “crook,” “ought to be executed,” “killed my son,” “lesbian,” “greedy,” “mentally ill” among other hate-filled slams.

Misogyny is not only hatred for women, it is the fear of strong, powerful and independent females. Misogynists do not hate all women: they love reactionary, right-wing women like Margaret Thatcher and Sarah Palin; they love wives who bear their children, do not disagree with them, clean their houses, wash their clothes and support their every wish; they love thin, sexy women like the third Mrs. Trump; and they love their females who like male superiority and strict, hetero-male role playing, “Bible-believing gender roles,” and who believe in their passivity and subordination.

So, even if I sometimes disagree with Hillary Clinton, I oppose misogyny so much, see what it has done to so many girls and women, observe how it has hurt men’s spiritual growth and ability to be gentle, and absolutely refuse to accept domination of any kind, I will do everything I can to help Hillary become the first woman president!

She does not deserve these mean-spirited attacks. Misogynistic hatred is, like all hatred, a sickness that must be healed.

T.A. Laughlin


  1. You go, girl!!!! I am also tired of reading all the obviously sexist comments. Let’s face it, though flawed, she’s much smarter than most of us…..and so many men are threatened by that. Whereas Trump just sinks to the lowest level and threatens no one, just a “buddy.” Hah! He is the scariest man-child I’ve ever met.

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