Memories of the parade


Was gonna keep my mouth shut until I saw Gwen Bennett’s letter [ESI Sept. 13].

I quit work two years ago to take care of my wife, Paula. Dementia is a terrible disease for everyone involved. Had to put her in the nursing home in June.

I wanted the camaraderie of the parade again. I signed up to take my unrestored ’62 Dodge Lancer in the parade. They told me there would be no car show or judging, parade only.

Over the years, I was in the parade with several cars, collaborations by me, body man Jerry, etc.

I would go around on Friday to see the cars at the motels and hotels, they used to be packed. The restaurants had waiting lines on parade day.

At three p.m., Friday the 8th, I saw three antique cars at the motels.

In past years, the parade route was changed at least three times. Same for the starting point.

Was someone yanking our chains?

Had fun on Saturday anyway. Threw candy at kids, just enough kids, this time. Smallest crowd yet.

I hope they don’t banish the parade entirely.

Dan Foddrell