Memorial services for Kay Mann


Memorial services for Kay Mann, a resident of Carroll County for 40 years, will be held at the United Methodist Church in Eureka Springs on Nov. 4 at 10 a.m. Kay’s family, son Rick and wife, Connie; granddaughter Emily and grandson Adam and his wife, Brittany, all from Elkhart, Ind., will be present.

Kay died July 14 and the family chose to wait until Adam was on leave from the military.

Pastor Blake Lasater will officiate at the service and Rev. Clare Kelley of the Holiday Island Presbyterian Church, will assist. Rev. Bob Huston, retired and a very close friend of Kay’s will participate. A brief fellowship and refreshment time will follow the service.

Inurnment will be private to the family. All friends and acquaintances are invited to the Memorial Service. Memorial contributions may be made to the Methodist Church.