Members of the Carroll County Quorum Court:


At Quorum Court meetings many times JPs have addressed the issue of Property Rights… and that they will not infringe upon that “right.” Have you considered that if the Carroll County QC does not take some type of action to stop the Nimbus Wind Farm LLC project that many property owners in Carroll County can have their property “taken” by eminent domain?

Initially I was of the belief that in order for Scout Clean Energy’s Nimbus Wind Farm to acquire eminent domain to secure private property in Carroll County was that the legal procedure required action through the Carroll County Quorum Court… I was wrong!

I have recently reviewed the following document: SA 3825 Arkansas Electric-Nimbus Wind Farm LLC with an effective date of April 25, 2022… look closely and consider the effective date… that is almost a year before this “Scout” was even discussed in a QC meeting!

Question: where is the open and transparent? If you research this “Agreement” between Arkansas Electric and Nimbus Wind Farm LLC you will realize that eminent domain has already been approved that allows the “taking” of any property wherever Scout Clean Energy desires for the Nimbus Wind Farm… not only in Carroll County!

Are you still of the same mindset concerning infringing on property rights? Do you think, that just maybe, reconsideration of the effects upon property rights should be reviewed? Are the Carroll County JPs prepared to allow Scout Clean Energy to “take” any property they desire?

Scout already has acquired eminent domain… the authority to take any property wherever the Nimbus Wind Farm LLC operates… anywhere… Carroll County, Boone County, Madison County, Newton County. Anywhere there is Nimbus Wind Farm LLC!

Research and think about of the property rights in danger. Think about the citizens of Carroll County who can lose their private property due to your decision. Or is there more concern for Scout?

Richard Williams  


  1. We learned from SWEPCO that 89% of the “stakeholder”-“discussions” concerning our rights as Arkansas’ Utility Rate Payers were historically predetermined high up in the Stephen’s office building or in a back room at the Country Club of Little Rock.

    If the investor’s pitch (Scout, really?) to your local authorities was not completely up-and-up, MAYBE the contract is legally void. The reader might also ask, where is the contract I signed that enables the Q. Court to hypothetically “take my property” on the fly without explicit prior discussion? If by fraud, will the JP’s individually compensate me?

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