Medical marijuana at work



In October I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, Stage 4, aggressive, and it had already gotten into my bones. The result of my PSA blood test was 690. All the doctor could do was send me home and try to make me comfortable. I felt he thought I would surely die.

I was given hydrocodone, morphine, and fentanyl patches, because the pain in my bones was so severe. The good doctor immediately made an emergency appointment for me with an oncologist at Highland Oncology Group in Rogers. The oncologist wanted to start me on chemotherapy right away. When I looked at the folks doing chemo, they reminded me of zombies, and some looked half dead. After a bit of research and prayer I decided to go with a cannabis oil (medical marijuana) treatment.

I was taking 9 hydrocodone pills, 3 morphine pills, and wearing a fentanyl patch. I was so groggy I could hardly move, and the pain was still so bad I couldn’t raise my arms to feed myself. After my first dose of cannabis oil, I woke the next morning and the pain was gone. I couldn’t believe it. I decided on a dosing method and started my journey.

I believe a combination of THC and CBD oil to be instrumental in attacking the tumor, but my diet would also help by starving the cancer of what it feeds on. It would also help lower my weight from 218 lbs. to 170 lbs.

After only a week of dosing, my blood PSA was l. That’s right, 1. The oncologist tested me again, twice, and the result was 1.86 and 0.86.

After completing my dosing method, I went in for a PET Scan and the oncologists reported my prostate was clear of cancer. I give the glory to my healing Lord Jesus Christ, and the tools he gave me for my miraculous healing.

Just like Willie, I’m not dead yet, in fact I was body surfing in Costa Rica just three weeks ago.

Jack Cross

P.S. Look for website that will be up and running by July 1. It will have detailed information on my cannabis success and how it might help you or someone you love.