Medical and wellness services put it all together


Imagine being able to walk out of your medical doctor’s office and, without leaving the building, get right into learning about and practicing some of the healing lifestyle changes recommended. At Abundant Health Wellness Center (AHWC), it could happen just like that thanks to the addition of two staff medical doctors, a nurse practitioner, and newly expanded lifestyle/wellness programs.

AHWC, located across from Acord’s on Hwy. 23S, is already known for its nutrition and lifestyle medicine programs with a focus on managing and possibly overcoming inflammation, the main suspect behind most chronic and acute diseases, including rheumatoid and other forms of arthritis, heart disease, diabetes and more. Now, with a little reorganization for the new year, the AHWC is poised to be a wellness one-stop. In addition to ongoing group programs for diabetes and weight loss, AHWC has also added a Convenient Care walk-in clinic.

Making it all happen is AWHC’s 2022 team including new medical director, Charles Mills, MD. Mills, who is board-certified in rheumatology, internal medicine and lifestyle medicine previously worked with AHWC in a limited capacity beginning in 2016. Because rheumatologists are scarce in rural parts of the country due to the rise in inflammatory-related diseases, the area is fortunate to have him.

On staff for preventive and lifestyle medicine is Eric Barton, MD. Barton is board-certified in occupational medicine and holds a Master of Public Health.

Nurse practitioner, Tamra Cox, APRN, has worked with AHWC since 2019 and now heads the Family Convenient Care clinic.

Dana West, RD, LD, MNT, ACLMDIP, co-founder and current president of Abundant Health Wellness Center, is a registered dietitian and medical nutrition therapist. She is also certified in lifestyle medicine and is a certified fitness instructor. As a dietitian, she offers private and group nutritional counseling as well as hands-on cooking classes. She developed the intensive Start A New You™ year-long wellness program currently meeting on Mondays at 3 p.m.

Motivational specialist, Jason Hutchinson, MS, has a master’s degree in counseling and is certified in lifestyle medicine. He has volunteered part-time as a wellness advisor with AHWC since 2016.

Administrative assistants Donna Frost and Cheryl Todd are ready to assist in setting up appointments in all departments as the first step on the road to abundant health and wellness.

Who ya gonna call?

The rheumatology department: For diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases that affect bones, muscles, and joints, as well as autoimmune/autoinflammatory conditions. This might include osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases. Personalized treatment plans may include physical therapy, medications, joint aspirations, or injections. Lifestyle changes including diet, exercise, and other health-changing habits that can reduce symptoms and inflammation can also be discussed to help you achieve your best health.

Lifestyle medicine: To reverse disease naturally with scientifically proven lifestyle modifications to treat the root causes of medical problems. Help for diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and more. Personalized health education and instruction in simple changes in your daily habits. Individualized remedial agencies including herbs, water treatments, and SMART goals may be prescribed.

Nutritional medicine: To access Dana West’s knowledge of nutrients and foods, work with individual food likes and dislikes to develop a personalized scientifically proven plan to promote wellness, reverse disease, and prevent illness. A personalized exercise regimen by the certified fitness trainer specific to individual health issues can be added.

Convenient care: For minor injuries and common illnesses when a primary care provider is not available. Also, well woman and well child exams; school, sports, and camp physicals; DOT and bus driver physicals. Walk-ins are welcome or call ahead for a scheduled appointment. Limited lab services (excluding blood draws)  are available. Open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.– 6 p.m.

Outpatient group programs: For diabetes help and support, weight management, and inflammatory diseases. For both demonstrative cooking classes and hands-on cooking classes, and to join the Start A New You Club™.

AHWC medical staff is currently accepting new patients. Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance are accepted.  For more details and to book appointments, see or call (479) 363-6585.