Mardi Grand



Many, many, many thank yous and kudos to everyone for stepping up and making all the Eureka Gras events so successful.

Huge kudos to Charles Mowrey and his team for creating such a beautiful new Grandee Float. It made its debut in the Day Parade on Saturday and was a great hit. We look forward to Phase II next year.

Each contribution is appreciated. So many stepped up this year and I don’t want to leave anyone out: Sponsors; Exec team; Kings and Queens; Royal Court; ball chairmen and teams; float lieutenants – maintenance, decorating, generators, music, lights; float designers including painting and stenciling; parade organizer for permits parade lineups and parade banner downtown; Krewe of Barkus; bead handlers for Royal Court and transporting of beads; decorators; photographers/videographers; float drivers; convertible drivers; Royal Court coordination and orientations; participants on floats; social media team/website; pages for K/Q floats; radio/newspaper; greeters and ticket takers; ordering and distributing supplies; signs/printing; window decorating contest; venues for events; costume contest.

You were all great cheerleaders for Eureka Gras 2017.

Our mission is to bring tourists to our town to boost economy during the winter months. In the Eureka Gras spirit we give back by way of cash prizes for costumes, window decorating, battle of high school bands, and running local ads.

Captain Mary