Lying doesn’t last long



The “President” is going to celebrate June’s Gay Pride by speaking at an anti-LGBTQ conference along with Mike Pence, Ted Cruz, Pat Boone and other bigots. Trump promised the LGBTQ community, when he was a candidate, to “protect” us, etc.

What a liar Trump is.

He has lied about every single promise he made when he was trying to win the presidency. Check it out.

The June 2017 issue of National Geographic has interesting data on “Why We Lie.” In it, a study of 2,000 adult Americans showed that participants who were Trump supporters showed a decidedly stronger belief in the misinformation when it had Trump’s name attached to it. When shown evidence contrary to their beliefs, they accepted the evidence. However, when re-tested one week later, their belief in the misinformation had bounced back!

What this proves, to me, is that the hardcore, right wing believers simply believe: they do not trust science, fact or real information. Similar to the Germans who supported Hitler in the ‘40s, they have their minds made up and do not want to be disturbed by facts or the truth. They prefer “alternative facts and alternative truth.”

The rest of us who are freedom loving, patriotic citizens who pledge allegiance to the Constitution and democracy and who do not wish to be greedy rich bigots had better organize and strategize on how to get rid of the chokehold the Republicans have on our government.

Lying is intended to exploit the person to whom the falsehood is directed: it demeans the liar, shows her/his lack of self-esteem, and is unacceptable human behavior.