Lying affects leadership



It has become obvious to everyone except Dear Leader’s devoted Trumpites that the president has serious psychological problems that affect his ability to be president: continual lying, conducting business while in public office, refusing to listen to experts or the voters, and rampant narcissism.

Psychologist Dr. Erin Leonard writes, “Narcissists often lack a conscience… it’s truly amazing how unfair, underhanded and malicious a narcissist can be, but rarely do they feel remorse for their deeds. Readily deflecting, distorting and projecting, they alter their perception of reality, freeing themselves from accountability while simultaneously projecting blame onto another… they feel like they are never wrong.”

A number of people have some narcissistic tendencies, but only one narcissist has the power of the presidency to affect the whole planet!

I hope Director Mueller’s research will get rid of this budding fascist, although Pence is hardly any better. The new House of Representatives with many Democratic women and people of color is going to hold committee investigations into the corruption.

It’s about time honesty and compassion return to our government.

T.A. Laughlin