Looking at yesterday



Television production is crammed full of silliness, sexism, political lies and subtle advertising.

In the 1980s, Austin Community Television (ACTV) was home to political activists, musicians, theatre groups, churches, domestic and progressive leaders, and even the KKK.

Now, snippets of Austin’s Public Access can be seen on your computer. Call up youtube and put in the name of the person you wish to see. For example, some excerpts from my program, Let the People Speak! are shown with a very young Trella Laughlin extolling freedom.

Other activists: Diana Rivers, sculptor, who lives in the mountains across the way near Elkins, Ark.;  Winona LaDuke  of the Anishnambe Nation who ran for vice president with Nader running for president; Dr. Rosina Wiltshire of Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era; elder Carrie Dann of the Onondaga Nation; scientist Vandana Shiva of India talking about genetic engineering of food; and the Elders Panel  at the Southwest Indigenous Regional Women’s Conference.

This historic footage has been saved by videographers in Austin to remind us that when the people speak, truth can come out and real change can occur.

Trella Laughlin