Logic instead of fear



To those who take exception to having people use public restrooms that correspond to the gender to which they identify, how about using rational thought and logic rather than fear? Transgender individuals have been using the restroom of their choice for eons. The recent controversy in this regard is creating a problem where there was none. Those who would harm children are pedophiles, not transgender people.  

The greatest percentage of pedophiles resembles your F/father or my brother – ergo indistinguishable from your everyday male. Pedophiles have been using the men’s public restrooms at the same time as little boys for eons as well. I personally would never let a little boy go into a men’s public restroom alone, as herein lies the possible danger.

That a pedophile might dress up like a woman to prey on children in a lady’s bathroom is remote and in my research I have yet to find such a case. Most pedophiles are adult males who look like adult males who prey on little boys.  

Transgender individuals simply need to use the rest room like you or me – nothing else; and they may sit next to my little old lady chubby white butt self anytime. For my part, I choose logic, empathy and acceptance as opposed to hate and fear; it feels considerably better.

Julie Freeman, Ph.D.