Let’s take a breather and relax


Another week of self-isolation and getting things done around the house; got my lawn mowed, technically weed whacked as it’s too small for a lawn mower. Kitchen is still not painted and Leo has teeth coming in which is making it hard to sleep at night. Still got music to listen to and more bands to re-experience as the days of quarantine grow.

Route 358 is a band worth listening to if you’re looking to find yourself in a recliner or on your couch with a cross breeze from an open window. It’s music to chill out with after a long day of house improvements, cleaning, and caring for a teething kid. You can hear the influences of bluegrass, pop and folk in their acoustic sound.

The fact I haven’t mentioned Brick Fields in these longer form Indy Souls should be considered a crime. An Arkansas original group fronted by Rachel Fields, whose voice is sweet sounding and uplifting and perfect to ease the tension of stressful times. Something also really cool, they are hosting live shows on Facebook on Wednesday nights. So if you need to de-stress, what better way than with a live show at home? You fulfill social-distancing requirements and get to listen to (two word expletive) music.

Anyway, I am going to go do as I have spoken of here and find some music to de-stress to. Thinking some of Rackensak’s music on their YouTube channel. Can’t get enough of their rendition of Night Moves by Bob Seger. Stay safe and healthy out there!