Leadership lacking



Au revoir, Paris. 

“President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement is the biggest failure of leadership in American history.”  So said Citizens” Climate Lobby’s Executive Director, Mark Reynolds. I agree.  

With the White House abdicating any responsibility for dealing with the clear and present danger of climate change, American governors and mayors, including those of Little Rock and Fayetteville, are courageously stepping up to maintain America’s honor and fill the climate leadership gap.  

The way is also clear for Congress to show some guts and act on curbing carbon emissions. Statements made by Arkansas’ Congressional delegation, however, indicate that these Republicans still cling to an outdated mindset, erroneously believing that taking effective climate action, safeguarding family pocketbooks, and creating a healthy economy to be incompatible goals.  

Au contraire, Citizens’ Climate Lobby is advocating a 21st Century non-partisan, market-based solution that supports shifting from fossil fuels to green energy, encourages innovation, protects families, and stimulates job growth.  

On Tuesday June 13 Citizens’ Climate Lobby volunteers will be visiting all 535 Congressional offices in Washington D.C. Eighteen Arkansans will be advocating with Boozman, Cotton, Crawford, Hill, Westerman, and Womack. I will be augmenting their efforts, calling in to Boozman, Cotton, and Womack’s offices on Friday, June 9, voicing my support for effective climate action. Readers’ calls would be appreciated. Merci!

Jan Schaper