Kindness begets kindness



A woman pastor wrote an article in the Unitarian magazine about the difference between “nice” and “kind.” “Nice” is a class term and “kind” applies to everybody.

Sunday was my spouse’s 83rd birthday. I had ordered a cake from The Baker’s Table on Spring St., the woman who was supposed to pick it up for the Unitarian Fellowship could not, the church had been cancelled due to the ice, and I could not drive to pick up the cake. The baker said, “I have a four-wheel drive and I’ll bring it to your house.” So kind.

Many people called my spouse to wish her a Happy Birthday and to inquire about my health. Kindness.

Jae, of the Eureka Market, has been especially helpful with natural remedies. Kind.

A very busy carpenter came over to install grab bars to help me get around the house. How kind.

A woman artist needed help moving her studio. Another friend had put out the call on Facebook. Many people showed up, with a big truck! Eureka kindness.

Then, there is the Cup of Love offering hot soup, clothes, and a food bank. Flint St. Food Bank supplies people with staples every Monday and Wednesday. Christian kindness.

There is so much meanness from Trump and the Trumpites. I am practicing kindness in my life, even for them.

Goddess knows they need it. So do I.

Trella Ann Laughlin