Keep pipeline out



I wish the definition of stonewalling meant building some graceful stonewalls. But it means: Delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by giving evasive replies, especially in politics. 

This is exactly what’s happening with concerns about the Diamond Pipeline cutting through Arkansas. For the past two months, I have sent detailed letters and emails to state and federal representatives, our governor and the Army Corps of Engineers.

No response except a call from Sen. Boozman saying it was “state’s rights” matter with no possible federal involvement. This is despite the fact that the EPA and Army Corps are involved federal agencies and the pipeline crosses many states.

So, how about some help from Rep. Bob Ballinger [R-AR] and Sen. Bryan King [R-AR]? The pipeline will not run through our district but it affects our state. We are all connected – it matters to many of us if any district in Arkansas is endangered by toxic oil disasters!

I am not the only one getting stonewalled. My colleague, Dr. Contreras, got this answer from Ballinger: “Bob called, said he was busy, had no answers and did not really want to talk to me. Bob has no idea how pipelines are approved. He said, ‘They propose several routes and the one that gets less push back gets approved.’ Bob was thinking of SWEPCO – electric transmission lines have nothing in common with Diamond.”

It appears that no one at any level of government will answer us. HELP!

Nan Johnson