Just shut it down



I tried to call Governor Asa Hutchinson’s office and was shuffled off to the voicemail of the person in charge of veteran’s affairs, who then did not return my call. I hope others have better luck than I in voicing my displeasure arising from the continued existence of the hog factory on the Buffalo National River. 

It is reported that one of Governor Beebe’s biggest regrets from his time in office had to do with the hog factory having gotten permits to pollute the Buffalo River. The hog factory was not current Governor Asa Hutchinson’s fault but it’s his to deal with now, and he can either close it or accept blame for the many problems it creates for our state.

If you tried to call the governor’s office and got shuffled off as did I, please try again. Just as we were relentless in stopping the powerline, it may pay to be relentless again. Tell Governor Hutchinson to close the danged thing. Governor Asa Hutchinson (501) 682-2345

Doug Stowe