Judging by appearances



In response to Bob Ballinger’s well-reasoned and insightful letter last week, I’d like to relate my one and only encounter with him.

I was attending a meeting of the Republican Party of Carroll County last year and was impressed with the interest and concern shown by all. I was there to learn about local politics as I had been at meetings of the Democrats.

As I left the room early I heard someone insinuate that I should not be there. He spoke about me as if I were a spy, not to be trusted. The committee members could see that I had reentered the room and they looked uncomfortable as he went on. When he figured out that I was there he informed me that this was not a public meeting and that only Republicans or potential Republicans were welcome.

I asked the committee if that was the case but they remained mute. I did not know Bob but I had a feeling that was confirmed by the party chairman. He followed me as I left and commented about my ACLU hat as evidence that my sympathies did not match those of his party.

The ACLU fights for everyone rights, Bob, even yours.

Mark Eastburn