JPs give thumbs up on Barr’s recommendation to fill his term


County Judge Sam Barr presided over his last quorum court meeting Monday night. He had previously announced his intention to resign, citing health concerns. The audience included more than 25 people, one of the larger crowds to attend a meeting in the Covid era.

Barr joked that someone told him when he started that “the only thing he knew was how to play a guitar,” but he learned a lot on the job, which he called “a wonderful experience.” He has served since 2009, and his voice broke as he closed the meeting, which ended in a standing ovation. Justice of the Peace Jack Deaton thanked Barr, and said, “We appreciate all you did. We butted heads many times, but we got our jobs done.”

Barr had asked JPs to appoint his administrative assistant, Ronda Griffin, to fill the remaining year on his term. JP Craig Hicks agreed, saying, “She would be a great person to fill the spot.” Griffin has served with the judge through most of his time in office and has run the office when the judge had medical issues. All voted in favor of the appointment, which will be effective at the start of February.

In other business:

  • JPs have extensively studied communications problems for law enforcement and first responders. Monday night, they approved $1.5 million for a new radio system, expected to be in place in less than a year.
  • Suzie Bell, a co-founder of ECHO Village, spoke about affordable housing. She described a problem that shows no sign of improvement. In Eureka Springs, rental prices have left lower-income renters unable to find housing nearby. Bell said the housing shortages extends to Berryville and Green Forest, as well.

Bell asked the quorum court to use some of the $5.5 million received from the American Rescue Plan to address the problem. “If housing is not addressed, you’re missing the number one priority,” she said explaining that the economy in Eureka Springs depends on workers who can no longer afford to live there. Bell suggested buying a motel and converting it to long-term housing. “I’m begging, for our fellow citizens,” she said. “You are in a unique position to make a difference in peoples’ lives.”

  • Lt. Blake Ringberg of the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office asked JPs to consider new handguns for CCSO. Currently, every deputy buys his own handgun, and new deputies face that major expense before they even begin work. The variety of weapons also means that the CCSO must buy multiple types of ammunition. Ringberg estimated a cost of $28,000 to purchase sidearms for all deputies, including reserves and transportation deputies. In response to a question, Ringberg said most other departments provide handguns. He also said the weapons would remain county property, and deputies would return the guns when leaving employment here.
  • County Clerk Connie Doss reminded JPs of the upcoming filing period for elections, which begins Feb. 22. She said the population at the last census was 28,000, almost enough to make Carroll a Class 4 county. She noted that the census results have led to some redistricting. Doss said the county no longer needs precincts because people can vote at any site. She also explained a plan to reduce the number of constables from 22 to four.
  • Holiday Island has become a city of the second class, and an ordinance was passed to redirect part of the road tax money paid by residents. Half of the three mills collected will be returned to Holiday Island, for use on roads and bridges within the corporate limits.
  • Joe Scott was approved as a member of the Carroll County Library Department Board of Trustees.
  • JPs authorized the county judge to accept $32,000 for the Carroll County Airport under the Airport Rescue Plan. The grants help airports “prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic.”
  • Security cameras at the courthouse annex in Berryville are more than 10 years old and will be replaced at a cost of $6,700.
  • A committee of JPs stayed after the meeting to consider possible locations for a new Eastern District courtroom.