Jeep Jam hits no jams for CAPC funding


Laci Moffitt was at the July 14 regular CAPC meeting to request $2,400 for a new event, “Jeep Jam,” to be held in September. She explained that the original vision of the event was smaller but that there were already 105 pre-registered attendees from around the country and the possibility of 200 more coming from Tennessee and Mississippi Jeep Clubs whose members she planned to host in the next few weeks so they could preview the area.

Moffitt said that she had reached out to Wanderoo Lodge and Wagner Inn since the Convention Center already booked for a Rotary event and was looking at other hotels and motels on the upper side of Eureka Springs to book for attendees.

Most of her advertising money is going to Facebook as she said it was working and that the money from the CAPC would help to market to those in Texas and Oklahoma. Moffitt received sponsorships from Nighthawk Custom Firearms in Berryville as well as Peterson Outdoors. She also explained that 100 percent of profits would go to Peterson Outdoors Ministries to help disabled veterans. The event will be held at the Passion Play.

Commissioner James DeVito gave the first words of support. “Well, this is great,” he said, “I’ve been noticing everyone seems to be driving a Jeep these days. I do have one concern and that is their website. I think that’s not in our purview.” $500 of the $2,400 requested was slated for website updates.

Moffitt said that money could be swapped to marketing and commissioners reacted positively to the fact that there are no other CAPC events that weekend.

DeVito made a motion to approved $2,000 for Jeep Jam with commissioner Melissa Greene seconding. Commissioner Harry Meyer asked if Paradise would pick up the event to help advertising it and Chair Jeff Carter said they would act as a co-host on Facebook so that Moffitt could reach a larger audience. Moffitt said that she would wait until Paradise and the CAPC were co-hosting the event before spending the funds and creating the ad campaign.

The vote to pass the funding was unanimous.

Commissioners had mind to downsize contract with Right Minds

The topic of Right Minds had not been on the original agenda for the meeting but was amended in. Meyer suggested that the topic be moved to the next meeting but Finance Director Rick Bright offered to give an update on the ad agency the CAPC once used for all advertising before moving to Paradise Marketing.

Bright said that the contract with Right Minds was a flat fee of $3,500 a month. He said that, with Paradise now doing most content, the commission was not getting its “fair shake” and that it was time to move the contract to one where cost was decided by time and materials rather than the flat fee.

Both Carter and Greene showed interest in the possibility of utilizing local graphic artists and designers. Commissioner Carol Wright made the motion to change the contract with Right Minds with Greene seconding. After a question from Bobbie Foster about the contract, Bright explained that the contract with Right Minds was expired and could be ended or changed with a written notice. Carter voiced that he would make such a notice and the motion was passed unanimously.

Other Items

  • Meyer will be looking to get quotes on repairing the wheelchair lift at the Aud, as well as for repairs due to water leaks and cleaning of the Aud.
  • Commissioners deferred discussion of Folk Festival until Monday, July 19 when they could meet with Nancy Paddock.
  • DeVito was nominated and approved as Vice Chair.
  • Amendments to CAPC bylaws were approved with commissioner Greg Moon abstaining from the vote saying that he had not received an email with the changes prior to the meeting.
  • Minutes for the June 30 regular meeting, and July 8 and 12 Special Meetings were approved. The minutes for April 28 remain unapproved, as only three commissioners attended. Commissioners will request advice from City Attorney Tim Weaver on how to proceed.
  • Tax collections continue to look ever positive with all tax collections up around 20 percent of the 2021 budget. Foster did request that Bright give a separate line item to food truck vendors to see how much tax they collect.