It’s not about bathrooms



In response to Marti Suchsland’s letter… my goodness, wouldn’t your grandchildren benefit more from love and acceptance than judgment and hate? I am struck by the photo of an elderly woman holding a sign saying, “It wasn’t about water fountains in the ‘60s and it’s not about bathrooms now – end the hate.” 

I would imagine that transgender folks have been using the restrooms that suit their identity for ages now.  And why? Because they need to go to the bathroom, wash their hands, and leave like everyone else. 

This has become an issue because of hatred and ignorance, which is much more damaging to any child’s upbringing. The outlandish bathroom scenarios you refer to have absolutely nothing to do with gender identity. It has to do with criminal and hateful tendencies, which could be anyone. 

I can only hope people like you will realize someday that your ignorance has blinded you to the love that exists in this world when we can accept people for who they truly are.

Lucie Forbes