It’s Memorex



What does it take for the Trumpites to wake up to their disastrous mistake of voting for a thief, a liar, a womanizer and a no-experience billionaire who got his money from his daddy and from cheating workers, multiple bankruptcies and collusion with Russian oligarchs?

Trump himself admitted he fired the FBI chief  because he was investigating the Russian influence on the 2016 election.

Trump’s cabinet is full of other billionaires who have no experience with the organizations they are to head, but are intent on demolishing them;

The Trump healthcare bill will take away care from over 21 million people!

Trump is primarily interested in lowering taxes only for the wealthy few.

Trump’s budget cuts all social programs such as Head Start, food stamps, Medicaid and anything that helps the middle-class and/or the poor.

Trump signed a $210 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia, one of the biggest human rights abusing countries in the Middle East that especially oppresses women.

Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, now being investigated by the FBI, was given enormous power and has no experience except in ripping off poor people in sleazy deals with poor people’s rentals in New York, or as a Jewish friend of mine said, “he gives Jews a bad name.”

Even his wife won’t hold his hand as seen on TV during his overseas trip. He in no way is helping those who voted for him, in fact, is hurting them and will continue to line his own pockets, his family’s and his cronies.

Miklós Zoltán, in writing about Hitler and his influence on his followers, said about fakers, “Cleverness should not be confused with trustworthiness. Cleverness means that one is able to combine and manipulate quite well. Since illusion is the game of fakers, they will present all of their skills with exaggeration. If cornered in some field they will lie even more to save face and create even more illusion.”

When will the Trumpites realize they voted for a fake, a very dangerous fake?

T.A. Laughlin