It’s in the garage



I saw on the city council meeting on cable last night someone from the CAPC said collections are going well which means lots of people are visiting our town. He also said there would be a big push to bring in lots more people during May.

The mayor talked about a tax on retail items which would be paid mostly by visitors, and some of the new money would fix up the Auditorium, which might bring more visitors still. All these tourists coming to see the sights around here means more money circulating and that is good for everyone, but if the city keeps luring more people to come visit, where are they going to park? It’s hard to park here as it is. Sooner or later the visitors will have to park in Holiday Island and ride a shuttle to town. That is a need an entrepreneur should grab hold of.

Awhile back, city council briefly mentioned a downtown parking garage. Other cities have built them and they fit in and served the need. It would require money and Eureka Springs has none, so funding would come from grants or large donations or loans, but it would solve a great need. Eureka Springs is proud of its history, but old connections might be getting in the way of something good for the town. If the city wants to increase tourism, make it easy for visitors to park near downtown.

Jane Cook


  1. Good luck getting even a serious discussion of adding a parking garage as long as two of the richest men in the county own the downtown parking lots…

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