

So far the worst thing about losing my glasses was looking at a TV screen that showed voting results in South Carolina but I thought it said South Central and wondered how a Los Angeles neighborhood could have such an impact on a vote recount.

The glasses were lost in a 60 ft. span – somewhere between my car and my desk. It was a Wednesday because we were out delivering newspapers until we took a lunch break – BrieLTs from Oscar’s.

I had to have the glasses to drive from Oscar’s to the office, so we know I had them then. I needed them to see the computer screen when I sat down to eat, so we know I didn’t have them then.

Yes, I checked the food sack for the glasses that had to be right in front of my eyes and hooked over my ears when we drove up.

I looked for them but kept eating and thought they would just show up. They always do.

Lunch was over. I needed glasses to drive downtown. I count on them to get me home. I rely them so I don’t mix up my brain between South Carolina and South Central. They are critically involved in my seeing deer at night. And the road.

We had to finish delivery and I did find an old pair in the glove compartment. Those glasses were replaced years ago because eyes are like ears, teeth, hair, bones and corns when you age. They change. You might not be tired, but they are.

The evil twin of losing your glasses is relying on your memory to retrace your steps. “Did you check your pockets? Did you look under the car seat? Did you check the mail?” Yes. Yes. No.

Little Leon, he’s a year-and-half old now so he was immediately a suspect just as a puppy would be. Leon comes to work and looks for new things to hide. So yes, I checked the flowerpots and the watering can.

And he didn’t do it because he’s not interested in reaching up to a desk to find something surprising lurking where he can’t see.

I have discovered that my left eye is much better than my right so I only use the right one to wink now. It’s rare, but it has happened.

It seemed natural to make an eye appointment and get a new pair to ensure that the old ones would be found.

That didn’t work also.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to find anything at Hart’s when you can’t see? Kinda comical, actually, but allow plenty of time to take a picture of the dog food selection and blow it up on your phone screen so you at least know you’re trying.

The new ones should be here sometime this week and I’m excited about that, Christmas and all.

In the meantime, if you come into the office and I don’t call your name it isn’t because I don’t know and love you, it’s because I have no idea who you are until I study your walk. Your mask doesn’t help, but thanks for wearing it.

And I can tell men from women. Once in a while.