

One hilarious thing we try to do every day is not get in our own way. Sounds easy enough, but who among us hasn’t stubbed a toe, spilled coffee or gotten all balled up in pajamas?

Fortunately, we were issued minds to deal with unpredictable movements and accompany dreams. Minds are where we think, reason, cry, imagine – all the cool stuff. Brains are the cartons our minds are wrapped in. Brains can undergo surgery, minds can’t.

When someone says, “Use your brain!” we should pay them no mind.

The brain is visible, the mind isn’t. The mind reaches into all your cells while the brain is confined to brain cells. It’s mysterious and not urgent to make this distinction.

If we could just make our lives better and no one else’s worse, we’d have a healthy start to a plump life. Believing that the measure of a person isn’t their past, it’s their now, was last weekend’s garage conversation – it’s daunting to forget purposeful evil, and divine to … umm… it’s divine to… please don’t make us say forgive. How about just have an unconscious celebration? The feeling where you trust from experience, get an inner blood rush, then forget about it.

Our country is the backwaters of the world empire and for good reason. The world was supposed to be flat when early scammers said they’d had enough of where they were and would rather sail off the edge of the ocean than go back to Genoa.

They acquired ships and funding in exchange for potential treasure.

They sailed and discovered the unexpected and didn’t know what to do with it other than eat, drink and acquire too much. Then they started making rules. Since they were the rulemakers, the rules were unfair and the rulemakers instantly owned everything they were big enough to steal and keep.

That attitude got us to where we are today, and it clearly proves that our lives really are determined by which side of the road we live on. We excel at believing that.

Money is not included in our mind kits. Even Cain and Abel knew that the pursuit of more than someone else has would mangle and fatigue us.

Cain and Abel were ordinary brothers, actually they were the template for ordinary brothers, until Cain got his feelings hurt and responded by killing his brother. So, the real root of uneasiness isn’t acquiring more stuff, it’s what happens when our feelings get hurt because we’re shamed or embarrassed.

Why even pursue rich? How many pairs of shoes can we wear? How much champagne can we drink? How many rifles can we look at without using them?

What does matter is feelings. Yet we blame our violence and lies and heart attacks and alcoholism on lack of, or plenty of, money.


This only comes up because last Sunday in the garage talking to my neighbor from six feet apart, we found it too easy to get riled about something involving the cost of Covid or Legos or Schlitz. Because talking high finance is safe territory.

But if we talked about how someone really hurt or embarrassed us, well, we wouldn’t do that because we’d have to say why. That’s like getting in our own way.

Nevertheless, we decided it’s better to vote for confusion than vileness.

We can do that.


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