

Well, isn’t this a dilemma? We all need to make money. We all want to stay healthy. Suddenly, both are in jeopardy.

Should Carroll County and its towns hire people to clean (not spray) schools and public buildings? Vinegar and water does a better job than spraying bug killer out of a canister, especially since bug killer only adds to the crud that gets in our lungs. Oh, and bugs aren’t the problem.

Suddenly, our lungs are left with the job of processing things they’re unfamiliar with, particles that gum them up. But the pictures on TV are of humans in hazmat suits, spraying schools.

One thing about this virus, it’s showing us who we are.

Golly, it started out as coming from pythons. Then fresh meat open-air markets became the source. Now, it’s each other.

Years ago, when I worked for an international herbal consultant, I read in one of his 200-year-old apothecary books that when a person sneezes in China, it takes 30 minutes for that sneeze to reach the United States. Small particles, yes. Big enough, though, you know?

Sneeze juices don’t just go onto a tissue, into the wastebasket, then to the landfill or woodstove. They live, wherever they get tossed, to rise another day. Sneezes transport viruses that are alive, and viruses get hungry.

But now we have coughs and sneezes that don’t just eat what they need and leave. They don’t seem to eat at all. Their flecks get inside our lungs and are too dominating for us to fend off. Which makes one think that today’s coughs and sneezes aren’t natural. If this coronavirus isn’t natural, who made it and out of what? Why?

No idea, but we are familiar with the phrase, “Follow the money.”

Are there sinister people who created this virus then let ‘er rip? The media reports and repeats that older people are at high risk of catching this virus.

Now, if you invented a virus so you could control the world, wouldn’t you be sure it attacked all the old people first? Those who remember their history? The Holocaust? Tyranny? Slavery? Greed? The ones who won’t put up with hardly anything untoward?

This isn’t a regular virus in that we have no immunity to it. After all the measles, mumps, chicken pox and polio we’ve endured, we have no way, today, to repel this current virus.

Other than intuition. In your heart, do what you need to do. Drink water. Walk. Sleep. Wish. Ride bareback.

This shutdown might be good for us. It’s making us wash our hands more, stop playing with our faces, and be more considerate. We’re sanitizing because we’re being forced to and if that’s how we learn, fine.

The big thing is, don’t be scared. A wise woman once told me, “There is nothing on this earth to be afraid of.” That got me over snakes and tornadoes, so I thought I was done with fear.

And I was.