Is ED an asset for a town known for healing?



I am not completely opposed to a temporary [Entertainment] District for events. A permanent one, absolutely not.  

Does the city have the finances to purchase extra trash cans and recycle bins that will be needed and the labor cost to maintain them?

Who is going to clean up the urine and vomit? Vomit is a biohazard. Are the members of Public Works going to be trained and equipped with the proper material to clean up human waste? Or is that going to come later after an OSHA complaint and event?

What about restrooms? If you think shop owners are going to absorb the cost of letting partygoers use their restroom and clean up after them, you are delusional. So, can the city afford to build another one and make sure they are all clean, stocked and in good operating order?

Tibbs Alley is the most slippery, uneven, broken down and steepest wooden stairway in town and healthy sober people have issues navigating it on a daily basis. It’s also important that last year there was a Tibbs Alley clean-up project hosted by Main Street Eureka. During the cleanup there were reports and photos in the newspaper of the 25 bags of trash they cleaned up in Tibbs Alley and the immediate surroundings. So why add to this?

Last year city council wanted to do away with plastic shopping bags. But this year, having hundreds of plastic cups floating around town is perfectly okay, seriously.

What about the residents? I hear no talk about the residents’ right to peace and not have alcohol in their lives. What price has the committee and the city put on the residents’ right to privacy, peace and comfort? Two years ago, when Parks was talking about a park smoking ban, some of these very same people complained that their children should not have to be exposed to people smoking or seeing people smoke because it made a bad example to a healthy lifestyle. But alcohol is okay?

Be informed. Use facts and real survey information before making any decisions.

Cameron DeNoewer