Independent Guestatorial: It makes a village


 The Good Shepherd Humane Society (GSHS) is a non-profit corporation in Eureka Springs that’s more than 40 years old. During that time there have been many successes, but also some failures. In speaking to locals, I know many of you have been involved in some way or another with the Good Shepherd and I’ve heard positive and negative things. And I’ve heard many wild rumors that are just not true. At the end of the day, the Good Shepherd is usually struggling… which is the nature of the beast, so to speak.

Ironically, animals are usually much easier to deal with than humans. Dogs and cats are exceptional judges of character. If humans were as good at summing up other people as dogs and cats are, the world would be a better place. Still, our furry friends do one thing that to humans is often an insurmountable challenge. They provide unconditional love. This one thing, unto itself, reveals their spiritual value.

Good Shepherd has recently said goodbye to some board members; and longtime friend of Good Shepherd and manager of our thrift stores, TraceEllen Kelly, is retiring. On behalf of the community at large, thank you TraceEllen and former board members for your tireless work. It takes much hard work, sacrifice and passion to keep Good Shepherd running efficiently, ethically and properly. For a non-profit like GSHS to be truly healthy, losing long-time employees or volunteers represents a challenging transition, yet it also represents a time for invigoration, fresh ideas and renewed energy. New participation is always welcome at GSHS.

In 2015 the Good Shepherd Humane Society adopted out 660 cats and dogs! That is a terrific number of successful adoptions given the demographics of Carroll County. And compared to 2014, GSHS reduced the average stay for cats by roughly 83% (from 131 days to 26 days); and reduced the average stay for dogs (from 67 days to 30 days). These are truly awesome statistics that sometimes get overlooked or are unknown to the community. Our managers and techs at the shelter work in a stressful environment to ensure the wellbeing, health and happiness of all those in our care.

Recently, the GSHS closed for a period of time for some much needed renovations. Since reopening the shelter to the public in May, Good Shepherd has made over 50 adoptions! These adoptions include special need cases, such as Lucky the dog and Lucy the cat. Both of these now three-legged furry friends were found near death at different times, and taken to Good Shepherd.

GSHS operates two “Doggy Thrift Stores” located in Eureka Springs and Berryville. These stores not only provide a service to reuse, recycle and repurpose clothing and a wide range of other items, but they also give 100% of net proceeds directly to the animal shelter. Buying thrift is not only socially responsible, but the stores offer these donated items to many residents in our area that really appreciate having lower cost options for clothing, household items and even furniture. The thrift stores are really a win-win for our entire community.

GSHS has a major fundraiser still to happen this year, and a new addition. Coming in September will be the 1st Dazed & Confused Holiday Extravaganza, where we will be selling a massive quantity of Holiday items. This mega Holiday sale will offer everything from Mardi Gras to Halloween to Christmas items. And the Doggie Style Show is back for its 35th annual celebration on Nov. 15. This year’s theme is “The Cat’s Meow,” a salute to the Roaring Twenties. Volunteers are selling ads for our Style Show ad book and we sincerely thank all local businesses supporting GSHS.

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. To say thank you, the GSHS annual Volunteer Appreciation picnic will be on Sunday, July 10 from 1 – 6 p.m. at the Beaver Lake Pavilion. Anyone who has volunteered in the past 12 months, please RSVP at Volunteers will be treated to door prices, raffles, hot dogs, hamburgers, plenty of ‘fixins’, desserts, soda and tea.

With a new board and new officers barely three weeks into our term, we face this time of transition with hope and optimism for the future. It takes a village and I personally want to thank all of you who have been or are currently involved with GSHS. Onward and upward!

Troy Johnson, President GSHS


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