Independent Guestatorial: Diamond Defiance


“Standing firm against evil is the ultimate act of defiance”

Evil acts are done by people following broken rules. Plains All-American is a greedy corporation raping our land for shareholder profits. Using a fake name to hide a history of oil spills, PAA chose Arkansas, an easy target, to export shale crude oil to China.

People have the right to stand firm to protect their families. Respect is earned by authorities protecting individual rights, not by electoral votes. Defiance is justified when public health and environmental justice are ignored. Diamond defiance is a legal challenge, open resistance, bold disobedience, rebellion and disregard of what PAA wants to do.

Arkansas, the Fossil Fuel State

“On June 13, 1920, the oil boom arrived near El Dorado when the explosion of a test well killed five people. The chaos broke down the fabric of law and order and other social services. Mules, dying in the streets, were run over where they lay,” is the lore of the Golden Town. Oil, seen as black gold, was exempted from laws protecting private property, public health, and ecology.

The black gold is gone. Fracking wells will not make America great. Fracking is the cause of toxic wastewater, earthquakes and injection wells. Near Norman, Oklahoma, fracking is contaminating tap water and killing people with cancer. Shale oil is deadly.

Arkansas Rising is a non-violent, direct action group, of dedicated, determined and brave Water Guardians. On Monday, December 12, two Water Guardians were arrested and bailed out immediately. Frank and Amber pleaded not guilty to criminal trespassing. Their peaceful resistance was done in the interest of public safety. Arkansas Rising does not condone violence, vandalism of any kind, nor destruction of property. Their goal is to protect the people of Arkansas through nonviolent direct action. We are lucky to have people like Frank and Amber making great personal sacrifices and risking arrest to protect our water and life.

Diamond Legal Challenge

After weeks of searching for an experienced, honest, dedicated legal team, we found a great law firm who knows PAA and Diamond, and has a sound legal strategy. With the best legal team, we are ready to challenge the Diamond project in court.

Hidden Truths are Unspoken Lies

The Diamond line has not been approved. Without permits for 440-miles, construction is illegal. Only five river crossings, less than one percent of the line, have permits.

On December 15, 2015 Diamond showed up at the Corps of Engineers Little Rock office with a dolly and boxes of papers. Diamond had already taken the easements and cleared the Rights-of-Way. Diamond needed fast track approval for more than 500 water crossings. USACE was left holding a bag full of holes.

The Nationwide Permit (NWP-12) is an all-or-nothing process to piecemeal bulk oil pipelines, block public input, and avoid Environmental Impact Statements. NWP-12 is an arbitrary and capricious process in violation of the EPA Clean Water Act. Why would USACE use it? If you look at a map of the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline, connecting the Bakken fields to the Gulf Coast ports, and oil barges to China, it is clear what Diamond is all about.

Negligence is deadly

Crude oil spills have increased in frequency and size, as high-pressure bulk transmission lines are built in every state. Spill investigations, after months of clean up activities, find a corroded pipe, a defective weld, or negligent operations. Spills are predictable and preventable, yet people and wildlife die.

Pipes are physical objects, not evil beings, designed to function within engineering specifications – not the cause of catastrophic events. PAA hires lawyers to deal with spills. Accidents are undesirable, unexpected, and unintended events. Oil spills are not accidental, they are caused by negligent managers choosing low-cost pipes, and cutting back on training, inspection, and maintenance.

How can you help?

Anyone can participate with small donations to pay legal fees, and spreading the word to their friends, a 10-10 campaign. Please donate $10 and ask 10 friends to do the same,

To support Arkansas Rising, please visit their Facebook page and their website

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. Someone called Gov. Asa Hutchinson who said he did not know about Diamond. He and others have been busy hoping to get a better job, but Trump has not sent them a Twitt.

    I am not a Twitter, is a strange word, something to do with a blue bird. The stock price is way down, even with Trump using it to run his team.

    We are living in unchartered waters and the tide is up. $10 seems like a deal, please do it for your kids

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