I sent this to Senator Boozman


Why do you continue to avoid your own constituents? You refuse to hold Town Halls and when Arkansas citizens make the effort to come to your Washington DC office, you can’t be bothered. Tom Cotton made time to see a group but you did not. What are we supposed to think of a man who lives off the taxpayers yet refuses to meet with them? Instead, you have them arrested. Winning the election for your office makes you more answerable to us, you work for us. 

You say that town halls are not productive? Seems to me that they are one of the hallmarks of our democratic process. Most of us know how to behave in public, too! I cannot recall a time in my life (I am 89) when folks had to be arrested to get their life and death concerns over decent healthcare (Trumpcare proposal is horrendous) heard by members of Congress.

Marge J. Sullivan


  1. Boozman works for Trump, he has an easy job, do as Trump says.

    Boozman and the Congressional Delegation will stay in office until better people stand up, as candidates for the people of Arkansas. Nothing will change until people had enough.

    Asa Hutchinson is running again, who will take his place?

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