How does this work?



Apparently, the WalMart Foundation is donating a project to Lake Leatherwood. It is a new bridge. BTW, this is not about WalMart. It’s about us.

The location for this bridge is next to the soccer fields and connects/collides with the current walking trail. This metal and concrete bridge is having a major rod inserted into the middle of the creek; how will this affect debris and runoff? And the look?

There has been no Environmental Impact Study, no approval from Planning, etc. More important, I can’t even find any “vote,” discussion, or public hearing that was held by the commissioners on this issue.

Which leads me to ask, was this project part of the approved Lake Leatherwood Master Plan? If so, when was it adopted?

With so many good folks involved in Parks, why would they treat themselves and us this way?  

After all of our environmental and financial losses at the hands of [former Director Justin] Huss and others, one would hope that Parks would recognize their existence and dependence on the voter supported taxes and want to do better.

If the Parks cannot or will not adhere to the Leatherwood Ordinances that mandates them to an approved Master Plan, our city council and mayor, representing the people, must step up and hold them accountable by the terms set out in Ordinances #2176 + #2259.

Pat Matsukis