Hospital staff recruitment ramps up


The Hospital Commission met Monday evening and heard some promising news about Covid-19.

Hospital CEO Angie Shaw said the hospital has only had one Covid patient in the last 30 days. Testing has also slowed, from 700 during January to 165 in February. Shaw said the hospital has another vaccination clinic planned from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, in conjunction with Good Shepherd Humane Society. That clinic had been postponed because of winter weather. 

Shaw said some nurses are taking extra shifts because of staff shortages, but the hospital has received some applications. In the long term, Shaw reported on attending a career fair in Harrison March 10. Some of the students contacted will not graduate until July, but the hospital will remain in virtual contact with them in the meantime.

On the subject of recruitment, Shaw mentioned that the hospital has been invited to have a table when a group of medical students tours the area on April 1. Shaw said this is the first time the Student Summit has come to Eureka Springs.

Shaw said efforts continue to publicize the clinic, to “let the community know what services we offer.”

Some planned maintenance work had to be postponed because of the Covid spike in January, but a flooring project will be completed next week, and nursing and patient areas are scheduled for improvements. The Historic District Commission has approved a plan to add a walkway to staff sleeping quarters. The HDC also approved some new awnings and a new sign.

With Covid in decline, staff members can now self-screen with a kiosk that takes their temperature and asks a series of questions. Previously, those screenings were conducted by ER staff.

In other business:

  • Commissioner Kent Turner had tried to obtain a legislative audit, but other communities do not have hospitals to audit, and the auditors would not take the case. Turner said hiring an independent auditor will be expensive, probably in the neighborhood of $35,000, for the first year. He said he would contact some accounting firms, not for bids, but to seek a qualified company. He especially hoped to locate a smaller regional company that serves hospitals.
  • The commission will next meet at 6 p.m. on Monday, April 18. A workshop is scheduled for April 2 at Main Stage. Commission Chair Barbara Dicks asked the others at the table to send in any suggestions for the agenda.