Hospital negotiates a no-fault divorce from Allegiance


Hospital commissioners met for a special meeting on the last day of January to review the settlement agreement with Allegiance, the outgoing hospital operator. 

Chair Dr. John House said there was back-and-forth negotiation and added, “that has been more painful than a root canal.” House said Allegiance initially requested a $6.5 million settlement from the commission, which House called ludicrous. 

“We all had a good chuckle,” he said.

Effective Feb. 1, Allegiance will relinquish all claims and vacate the premises with a negotiated payoff of $485,000 from the hospital. House stated the agreement says the hospital employees will be paid by Allegiance on February 7 for the period through January 31, including payment of accrued benefits. 

House described that no party will admit liability nor will either disparage the other according to the agreement.  He also said that the agreement states the commission will accept some of Allegiance’s accounts payable liability, estimated at $380,000. 

“This is the best we could get,” House said describing the 10-plus-page highly negotiated document that finally settles operations with Allegiance. Commissioners unanimously accepted agreement.