Hospital equipment upgrades continue


Managers Darrell Parke and Mark Stearns announced at Monday’s Hospital Commission meeting that after being unutilized for years, the operating room is now functioning and will be used on a regular basis by interventional pain specialist Dr. Nicholas Camp. Conditions in the room have been brought up to health facility standards with humidity reported to be holding at 46 percent.

“The temperature and humidity are in the approved zone,” Stearns said.

In radiology, new Canon X-ray equipment has been installed. The previous x-ray machine was owned by Allegiance.

Parke said that they are still working on leasing or purchasing the Cepheid GeneXpert system for fast and accurate Covid-19 testing. The delay, he said, could be attributed to the seller’s delivery issues.

Commissioners asked about the molecular testing device currently used at the hospital, and Parke said it provides high rates of false negatives. Because medical supply prices for Covid-related labs have risen substantially Parke said, “We are cautious on who we are testing.” He said in the beginning of the pandemic, the hospital was encouraging testing to anyone, but now with the expensive supplies they are reducing the scope of testing to those showing symptoms.

Revenue growing

The ESH cash balance is $1.8 million, and the monthly gross revenues have risen from $560,000 in April and May to $809,000 in July. Parke stated the hospital is now billing and collecting from insurance companies on a more regular basis. Management is working on developing new contracts with insurance companies such as Aetna to expand patient’s in-network directory to include the hospital. “Most major payor contracts have been finalized and we continue to work on the rest,” Parke said.

Wish list getting checked off

Hospital improvement projects include establishing an online central scheduler, launching the new website, hiring a new Director of Nursing, completing the upgraded laboratory facility, updating the charge master with industry standard rates, expanding swing bed services, and reestablishing relationships with local health organizations. In regard to the latter, Parke stated he has reached out to Brighton Ridge, Peachtree, and Elite Home Health to help rebuild bridges for improved community healthcare.

Commission change

Chair Dr. John House announced that two-year commissioner Dr. Christopher Baranyk has chosen not to reapply for a seat at the table. According to commissioner Dr. Tyson Burden, Baranyk was not present to make a comment due to a conflict of schedule.

Burden stated that his term had also expired but he chose to reapply, saying that last week city council approved his service for another term. Commissioner Barbara Dicks and House said they anticipated council’s approval of local real estate contractor B. Kent Turner for the open seat at the August 24 meeting.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 21 at 6 p.m. at 25 Norris St.