Honesty is wisdom


I am Mike Welch and have applied to fill retiring Autumn Slane’s Ward 1 Position 1 seat on city council. I was unopposed and due to be sworn in on Jan. 1.

I received a phone call from the Carroll County Prosecuting Attorney’s office on Dec. 5 to make an appointment for Dec. 10.

At that meeting, I was told that under Arkansas law I am ineligible to hold public office due to a 50-year old felony marijuana possession conviction in California. I was 19 years old.

The prosecutor’s office told me if I’m sworn in, he would have to remove me because of that 50-year-old felony, yet I can now legally buy marijuana at an Arkansas dispensary. But I don’t use it!

I know I would do a good job on council, I like the balance on council, but I do not want a seat that doesn’t allow me to sit in it.

I apologize to the 150 people who signed a petition to put me on the ballot and the people of Eureka Springs.

Mike Welch