Homeless need provisions



My spouse and I bake cornbread every Friday for the Cup of Love on Hwy. 62 East. They offer free soup, clothes and a food pantry to anyone in need. They walk their talk.

The other day, my spouse Marie and I were down there and met some homeless people. We learned a great deal about what the homeless experience is in Eureka Springs. As a result, Marie, president of Eureka Unitarian Fellowship, is going to try to get our members to help with donations, places to stay, hot showers, any kind of work.

One homeless man said the motels that would let them rent for a reasonable price now are full up; when he goes to interview for a job and they find out he is homeless, the door slams in his face; there seems to be little work available for him willing to do anything.

There are many homeless people trying to survive here. Some people think homeless people deserve what they get. These hypocrites believe all homeless people are addicts of alcohol and drugs, lazy, and thieves. This attitude is typical of today’s Trumps: stingy, selfish, hateful and definitely not compassionate for our sisters and brothers.

Also, it is not true.

I remind them that Mary and Joseph were homeless. Jesus was born in a barn and grew up to be a great leader. It is a blessing to help a person in need.

I ask all of us to help the homeless in town. There are vacant houses and hotels that could be fixed up for the homeless. There is very little low-income housing available.

It is such a spiritual happiness to be able to share. It simply feels good and right.

T.A. Laughlin