Holiday Island creates commissions and disburses revenue


A State of the City Report for 2021 during Holiday Island’s January 18 city council meeting was read into the record.

Regarding the general fund, Mayor Dan Kees noted that the funds were delayed by several months as the census bureau was not “able to provide a population estimate for the city.” A law change allowed for the Arkansas Geographical Information Service to provide the estimate and total revenue in the year was 92 percent of budget despite the loss of three months of revenue. The city was able to establish a $75,000 operating reserve.

The Street Fund was impacted as well but came in at 83 percent of budget. That revenue will be held to be used for the city’s portion of a $607,000 paving program this year, $300,00 funded through a state grant. Holiday Island will not have to pay out for future assessments or new taxes for this road resurfacing. The city will also receive half of the 3-mill property tax the county levies for road maintenance.

Council passed an ordinance creating a building code and Building and Construction Department for the city that was established at the first of the year. Applications for a Building Inspector are being sought. And council passed an ordinance creating a Planning and Zoning Commission. Council currently serves as that commission, but a commission of separate members may be appointed later this year.

The city and Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District have an interlocal agreement to provide fire protection and EMS services for the city, with HISID receiving financial support from the city. Plans to establish a police department are still in the works. Holiday Island will be looking to have cases prosecuted in Eureka Springs District Court.

Salaries and Board of Adjustment formed

In new business, HI council had several major items on the docket. Ordinance 2022-001 established compensation of elected officials with the mayor and council members receiving $0 annually and the recorder/treasurer receiving $2,400 monthly. It also established that city personnel salaries will be fixed by the mayor and be part of the annual budget. An emergency clause was added to make the ordinance effective immediately as wages needed to be established at the first of the year.

Members also established a Zoning Board of Adjustment to hear zoning appeals with Ord. 2022-002. The zoning board will be able to affirm or reverse decisions of the Building Inspector and authorize zoning variances by majority vote. The board will be composed of three members nominated by the mayor and approved by council. An emergency clause to make the ordinance effective immediately was also passed.

Final Item

  • HI Council reviewed a draft of Title 5 Health and Sanitation. Code regards the maintenance of property within city limits including but not limited to penalties for burning trash, littering, safety standards from fire and other hazards, condemnation of structures, and Code Enforcement procedures. A workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 9 a.m. for further draft review and revision.


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